To: Santa Claus
CC: Team Rudolph
I thought of starting this letter very formal and sophisticated, but my emotional batteries now identify as “non-existent” and as it is, my status update reads as follows: subscriber unavailable until further notice (please read in sarcastic tone). I am thus side stepping the lovey dovey bits and making my motives clear.
Dear Santa, my wish list for Christmas, (I could not find the below mentioned on sale on Black Friday either and your assistance will be much appreciated). May I please receive the following gifts on the 25th of December 2024. I am speaking on behalf of all of humanity.
1. Good manners and the ability to say please and thank you.
2. Authentic friendliness without ulterior motives.
3. Being able to acknowledge your mistake and saying sorry.
4. The face-to-face discussions that require the swear word: emotional intelligence.
5. Final request: a new credit card balance…please.
Dear Santa Sir, now that I think about it, the thing that I am truly wishing for is character.
You see, on this side of utopia, the only character we currently have is “Main Character Energy”. #Copypasterepeat. The problem then, if it be only one option, is that if the ego becomes the obstacle, which way becomes the way? Then sanity is only a cozy lie. And goodness, you can now even identify as an organised Jackson Pollock. No, I am not saying that you are not allowed to feel and say what you must. But my goodness, why can’t we keep our neighbour in mind as well? I mean, how will you raise your children in the days to come, or worse – how will you explain your current actions to a future spouse? The future will thus be wrecked and wrinkled. With this attitude, they will take your land and your freedom as well.
It is however interesting that the subject of excellent character and striving for a spirit of excellence were replaced by statements such as “show them how valuable Ellen Woods can be” and “in the name of identity” and “ME”. As far as I can recall, it was William Horman, who first introduced the proverb: “Manners Maketh Man”. This statement has to carry some weight, as life in Tudor Britan were apparently not for the feeble heart and minded, as indicated by Wikipedia. Stating that manners were seen as a virtue, in a time where survival was seen as an exception to the rule, the old school way of dealing with your neighbour has to carry some weight. Why can’t we be a new school, raised by the old school generation? I am assuming that we are all on the highway…to somewhere, some place and something.
Dear Santa Sir, If Rudolph can have a red nose to warn all and sundry that he is leading the pack on a “my goodness” run, can’t we sort of get some identification that will warn people when we are leading the way in civility? Or maybe not, our actions should speak louder than our words, shouldn’t it?
Please and thank you sir.
Warm regards.